
The nature of our business means that we support clients in confidential and sensitive engagements. As a result we have made a formal commitment to confidentiality, and have in place comprehensive policies and procedures to ensure that client confidentiality is protected and trust promoted between us.

Our confidentiality policy covers not only how we protect confidential information, but also how we avoid conflicts of interest; support and train our people to understand and apply our policies; and what we do to ensure that we abide by the highest standards of business ethics.

We support our clients in confidential and sensitive engagements. We have introduced policies and processes which serve to protect our clients, provide clear parameters and promote trust between both parties.

Protecting Our Clients’ Confidential Information

  • Clients share sensitive information with us. This information is only shared internally to the extent that it is required to support our engagement with that client.

  • Some clients may require their engagement with Chameleon Partnership to remain confidential even within our business. In these instances we have measures in place to protect client anonymity.

  • We avoid unnecessary exposure to any client confidential information that is not required for us to deliver on a specific engagement. All employees are made aware of their responsibilities in this regard.

  • We recognise that certain advisory and mentoring engagements may be of interest to third parties and we have in place a policy of not commenting on live engagements.

Avoiding Conflicts of Interest

  • We will disengage in respect of any activity where we reasonably believe that a conflict has or may emerge.

  • We equip and encourage our teams to recognise a potential conflict of interest.

  • We are transparent and proactive in communicating with clients our business strategy and how we seek to avoid conflicts of interest.

  • Where appropriate we structure our teams to ensure that we avoid any issues of conflict of interest.

  • We assess all material client engagements in order to identify potential conflicts of interest.

Supporting Our People to Understand and Apply our Policies

  • We hold training and awareness programmes to ensure all our people understand our principles and policies.

  • We facilitate an operational governance board that enables all employees to gain real time guidance and direction in order to avoid conflicts of interest and safeguard the best interests of our clients.

Business Ethics

  • We appoint our trainers and advisors based on criteria that include the highest level of integrity and trust. Our culture is one of transparency with a strong set of client-focused values promoted throughout our business.

  • We promote the importance of acting with integrity and do not advocate the use of tactics that, for many, may be perceived as unethical. However, we do highlight these methods so as to create awareness of how others may use them in a negotiation.

  • Similarly we do not advocate dishonesty or misleading behaviour in a negotiation but may highlight the need to withhold certain information where appropriate.

  • Where appropriate we promote collaboration in negotiation. This requires trust and integrity from all parties but, we believe, can be the best way to create value.