
| Prepare | Adapt | Negotiate | Review |

Welcome to our comprehensive and experiential negotiation training program, designed to equip individuals and organisations with the skills needed to achieve optimal return on investment.

In today's competitive business landscape, negotiation skills play a vital role in securing favourable deals, resolving conflicts, and maximising profits.

Our world-leading training program combines theory, practical exercises, and real-life simulations to empower participants with the knowledge and expertise required to succeed in negotiations.

Why Choose us?

  • Our training goes beyond theory. Participants practice negotiation techniques in simulated scenarios, gaining practical experience to apply immediately in real-life situations.

  • Our negotiation training maximises ROI by optimising outcomes. We explore planning, value creation, and value claiming techniques, enabling participants to secure favourable agreements while protecting their interests. Focused on ROI-driven negotiations, our program equips individuals and organisations with effective tools for profitable deals.

  • Our training program, led by top negotiation experts, offers invaluable insights into the art and science of negotiation. Gain from their global experience in diverse industries, resolving disputes, forging partnerships, and achieving successful outcomes in a culturally nuanced global marketplace.

The Negotiation Elements


Knowing who you are negotiating with, their style, objectives, pressures and priorities will allow you to ‘get inside their head’ and understand what is driving them to make the decisions they do.


Know where the balance of power is from an ‘actual’ as well as ‘perceived’ perspective. This will allow you to formulate the most appropriate strategy to control the outcome of your negotiations. 


Having a rigorous and disciplined approach to planning and preparation builds confidence and gives you the ability to control the outcomes.


‘Setting the table’ through sequencing and mapping will put you in control. Risk analysis and risk mitigation will increase your ability to maximise the outcome of any negotiation.


Knowing and being aware of likely tactics that may be employed during your negotiations allows you to plan and prepare appropriate responses.